The Board of Directors of the Sacramento Central Groundwater Authority (SCGA) consists of fourteen members. Representation includes a Board member from seven public agencies, two private water purveyors, one representative of agricultural interests, one representative of agriculture-residential groundwater users, one representative of commercial/industrial self-supplied groundwater users, one representative of conservation landowners, and one representative of public agencies that are self-supplied groundwater users. Members of the Board are appointed to four year terms. Board officers are elected to serve a one year term.
Members of the Board are appointed by cities of Sacramento, Folsom, Elk Grove and Rancho Cordova, and the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. The following table lists the current Board representatives along with the corresponding appointing authorities. The SCGA Board meets on the second Wednesday of every month.
2025 Chair: Bruce Kamilos
2025 Vice Chair: Shoaib Ahrary
Appointing Authority
City of Elk Grove
Jeffrey Werner Shoaib Ahrary (alt)
| City of Elk Grove
City of Folsom
| Todd Eising Marcus Yasutake (alt) YK Chalamcheria (alt) | City of Folsom
City of Rancho Cordova
| Albert Stricker
Dalia Fadl (alt)
| City of Rancho Cordova
City of Sacramento
| Parvani Vandeyar Brett Ewart (alt)
| City of Sacramento
County of Sacramento/ Sacramento County Water Agency
| Matt Satow
Designated (alt)
| County of Sacramento
Florin Resource Conservation District/ Elk Grove Water District
| Bruce Kamilos
Tom Nelson (alt) | City of Elk Grove
Agricultural Interests
| Ken Oneto
Amber McDowell (alt)
| County of Sacramento
Agricultural-Residential | David Trask
Tim Mullins (alt)
| County of Sacramento
Commercial/Industrial Self-Supplied
| Scott Goulart Nate Ellis (alt)
| County of Sacramento
Conservation Landowners
| Barbara Evoy Neil Dubrovshy (alt)
| County of Sacramento
Public Agencies Self-Supplied
| Christine Thompson
Ward Winchell (alt)
| County of Sacramento
California-American Water Company
| Evan Jacobs S. Audie Foster (alt)
| County of Sacramento
Sacramento Area Sewer District
| Dave Ocenosak
Jose Ramirez (alt)
| County of Sacramento